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Privacy Policy

This section, updated on May 14, 2013 and adapted to the Law of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), contains the terms and conditions under which Spa Natura Resort SA offers the information, products and services content on its Internet portals, and to its users.

By accessing this portal, the user is accepting the following terms and conditions as well as the license of use published on the Websites themselves. If you as a user do not accept or do not agree with all of them, you must leave these pages.

1. Scope of application. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The informative content, products and services included in this portal are aimed at professionals and consumers residing in Spain and will be governed by Spanish legislation. In case of controversy regarding its interpretation, execution or compliance, the parties, expressly waiving their own jurisdiction, if they have it, expressly submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid.

2. Protection of personal data

In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, we inform that the personal data that we request from our users through various forms may be included in computer files , whose owner is Spa Natura Resort SA, in order to maintain and manage the services, where appropriate, contracted by the user, as well as to inform them of the activities, products and services offered by or through the portal and the Association itself.

Users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by means of a written, dated and signed request, indicating their name, surname, address and a photocopy of the DNI, which they must direct to Spa Natura Resort, Partida Villarroyos s / n CP 12598 Peñiscola or email

The personal data collected will not in any case be transferred to third parties, or made public, except in the cases in which the users themselves are the ones who, for promotional purposes, publish them through online procedures or request such publication expressly.

Spa Natura Resort maintains its facilities, systems and files in the proper conditions to guarantee the security of the data and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.

The custody and treatment of the personal data provided by the user to third parties or entities that provide the portal corresponds exclusively to them and, consequently, the exercise of the corresponding rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition will have to be made against those persons. , solely responsible for its storage and automated processing.

3. Personal access code

The access codes that are given to the user are personal and non-transferable, made up of a user code (login) and a password (password) to be able to visit areas of restricted use, these will be the only ones who can make use of it and, in Consequently, they will be responsible for all operations carried out with said keys.

Facilitating, using, trying to decipher the access codes of others or disclosing them to other unauthorized persons is considered a serious violation of the rules of use and security. If the user had reasons to believe that his password is or may be known by someone not authorized to do so, he must immediately inform Hotel Peñiscola Palace, through the email , so that a new one can be assigned. .

4. Signature of the agreement

The previous identification by means of the user code and the password empowers the holder to operate under this agreement, unless force majeure prevents it. Both parties agree to legally equate the use of identifiers with the owner's signature.

5. Accuracy of the information

The information contained in the portal has been prepared exclusively for informational purposes and has no official value, except when indicated, nor does it constitute legal advice as such.

Spa Natura Resort does not guarantee that the information contained in the portal is accurate, current or complete. This is provided "as is" (as if) and under no circumstances does it guarantee, implicitly or explicitly, the obtaining of a specific result or its adaptation to a specific objective, for which Hotel Peñiscola Palace is not responsible for any loss, whether direct or indirect, caused as a result of a decision made based on the information provided here.

Existing information and content may be changed or withdrawn without prior notice. Likewise, improvements or changes may be made to the products, services, design or programs used for its operation at any time and without prior notice.

6. Intellectual and industrial property

The content of this portal (including texts, images, designs, structure, color combinations, logos, animations, audio and video files, etc.) is protected by intellectual and industrial property laws.

Its reproduction -except for the private use of the user-, distribution, public communication and transformation is prohibited without the express authorization of Spa Natura Resort SA or its licensors and suppliers, by means of a request to the address

7. Hypertexts and links to other sites or pages

The portal contains links to other pages of third parties, whose contents Spa Natura Resort, despite the periodic controls carried out, cannot control at all times. The connection of a user from the portal with these other places on the network outside our organization will therefore be carried out under the sole responsibility of the navigator.

Consequently, the portal cannot guarantee, in relation to these other pages, their quality, accuracy or adequacy. In no way can these connections be considered an extension of our page, nor that we share the points of view expressed in them or have any relationship with the products or services provided or sold by them.

However, if you observe in them any information that could be contrary to the law, to the dignity of people, or of a racist, xenophobic or apologist for terrorism or violence, please inform us by email to the address info @ , in order to study the convenience of eliminating them.

8. Disclaimer

The portal is not responsible for any damage or loss, whether direct or indirect, casual or consequential, caused by accessing or using it, the information contained in it, the products or services offered by third parties therein. or any connection made to other pages or places from it.

The portal is not responsible for possible errors that may occur due to the fact of using non-updated versions of browsers, or for the consequences that may arise from the malfunction or incorrect use of the browser, nor is it responsible or guaranteed, in a way implicit or explicit, that access to the portal is uninterrupted or error-free.

9. Products and services

The products and services offered on the pages of the portal may be purchased and / or contracted online by users through the use of a password system provided by the portal itself that allows their unequivocal identification. Access to the transactional pages through which the user purchases products or services on the portal is done in a secure environment.

The responsibility for the products or services offered on the portal by third parties or entities corresponds exclusively to them. Spa Natura Resort SA in no case assumes the risk and ventures of the operations and relationships between the user and the persons or entities mentioned. Spa Natura Resort or Camping recidencial, reserves the right to cancel the reservation without prior notice, www.spanaturaresort. net web de reservas reserves the right to cancel the reservation without prior notice, reservations are not accepted 10 months in advance unless it is a published offer,

10. Validity

If by any legal provision or judicial declaration any of the rules contained in these sections does not comply with the Law, this will not prevent the rest of the unaffected terms and conditions from being considered valid for all purposes.

11. Use of cookies

The portal uses session cookies. They only contain the configuration of the language selected by the user for their browser in order to display the contents of the portal in that same language. Said cookies are not placed on the user's hard drive for the purpose of identifying them, nor do they lead to the collection of personal data or hard drive data, nor of a technical and anonymous nature, such as the user's IP address, browser and operating system or date and time of access and exit.

It is possible that the portal providers use other types of cookies. We recommend that you consult the corresponding legal notices to determine their scope.

The portal cannot be held responsible for the quality or speed of the service in the event that the user configures their browsing program to prevent the use of cookies.

Spa Natura Resort SA
CIF: A-12038964
Villarroyos departure s / n
CP 12598 Peñiscola - Castellón
Tel: +34 964 475 480
Fax: +34 964 465 121

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